
The Localytics study points out that in-App purchases are the lifeblood for many developers

app purchases are predicted to dominate the mobile-app market in the next few years.  Little Empire Mojo  Revenue from in-app purchases, worth $970M in 2011, is expected to rise to over $5 billion by 2015, and a study by Localytics highlights the importance of generating customer loyalty, Buy Little Empire Mojo  in order for developers to gain a share in these riches.
With the majority of top grossing apps, such as Tap Zoo and Smurfs Village, now based on a freemium model, the Localytics study points out that in-App purchases are the lifeblood for many developers. Cheap Little Empire Mojo  While it may be tempting for developers to rush users to make their first in-app purchase, this research shows that building a relationship is more important in fostering long term usage, and maximizing sales revenue over time.Buy Little Empire Mojo

