
Azeroth in quite a dangerous situation

Once again, your incessant need to gorge yourself during Pilgrim’s Bounty has left me with little choice.
Little Empire Mojo
 Oh sure, you stuffed your faces with turkey,
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all the fixin’s, and delicious pie, but you left the rest of us on Azeroth in quite a dangerous situation.
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 Unadulterated danger!!


War of the Ancients

For you see, your insensitive actions are about to create mayhem on our dear planet the likes of which no one has ever seen.
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 According to my pal Historian Llore, it could be nastier than the War of the Ancients, deadlier than the War of the Shifting Sands—no,
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 you’ve succeeded in taking all of us to the brink of total annihilation! None shall live!
Little Empire Mojo


experiences with the world!

While you may not have had the opportunity to join us in game, have no fear - you can stay informed and up to date on Reaper of Souls by tuning in right here for media coverage, blogs, videos,
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 and livestreams of all the beta-licious action.
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This blog will be kept up to date regularly as more players enter the fray and share their experiences with the world!
Little Empire Mojo


since she took the Zarcrawler

The Doodlegnome, Paululum, has been busy since that 251-page official forum thread finally came to an end -- she's continued to draw at a prolific rate,
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 even starting up her own webcomic and crafting some amazing BlizzCon badges -- but she hadn't created a new epic forum thread since she took the Zarcrawler
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idea and ran with it as far as her little legs
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 could carry her.


resurrection sickness

If the location of the character's body is unreachable, they can use a special "spirit healer" NPC to resurrect at the graveyard.
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 When the spirit healer revives a character,
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items equipped by the character at that time are further degraded, and the character is significantly weakened by what is in-game called "resurrection sickness" for up to ten minutes, depending on the character's level.
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 This "resurrection sickness" does not occur and item degradation is less severe if the character revives by locating its body, or is resurrected by another player through special items or spells.


This year's BlizzCon Store

This year's BlizzCon Store online sale has just begun! This sale is exclusive to BlizzCon attendees and Virtual Ticket buyers, and runs until the end of the show on November 9.
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The store is stocked with some epic never-before-seen loot, along with some of your favorite items from BlizzCons past. Supplies are limited, so if you’re not going to the show in person or haven't yet purchased a Virtual Ticket,
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 you might want to order now to get an early chance at some cool BlizzCon merchandise.


bringing lots of big changes

It's time for another Community Commentary, and this week we'd like to highlight a discussion created by Tulki over on Reddit Diablo which asks:
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So we know [Reaper of Souls] is bringing lots of big changes. What small quality of life changes would you want as well?

Quality of life updates are usually small changes that make navigating the game a little more convenient for everyone -- like highlighting numbers in green when it's an upgrade in the Quick Comparison window, for example,
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or marking the mini-map with a star icon whenever a Legendary item drops.